Playing Up Guidelines
Teams may borrow players from teams either in the same age group (but a lower grade) or a younger age group that is the same grade, lower grade, or one grade higher (eg 11C team borrows a player from 10B or lower). Remember NO NETTA can play in a graded team
Players can play more than one game in the day.
Players can ONLY play twice away from their team if they play a third then they will be moved to the lowest graded team that they have played for. We want to avoid this because we can not appeal these decisions.
Borrowing during a match – If a team is playing and they need to borrow a player they can borrow from another team who is playing in the same time slot as long as they are eligible to play according to the guidelines and as long as they have not taken the court at any point in their own game. We would always recommend if your team is short or only have 7 on the day have a back up solution prior to the day to avoid this situation.
The most important thing with borrowing players is to stick to the Playing up Guidelines on who you can ask to play and to communicate with the teams Managers and not directly to a child or a parent.
If you are still unsure please don’t hesitate to contact our Secretary on