- Team Managers collect at the Coaches and Managers meeting
- Team Managers must return the bag, bibs washed, and bag cleaned out at the end of Winter Season
Gear bag should contain the following:
Balls – At least 2 balls including a match ball and a practice ball. These will need to be pumped up regularly – an electric pump is available in the clubhouse upstairs on Saturdays however try and have balls pumped up prior to the game and training sessions.
Patches – Please keep them in a plastic bag in pairs Velcro to Velcro for protection. They will need to be washed from time to time.
Training Bibs – the elastic straps on some training bibs may need replacing before or during the season. You may like to ask a parent on your team to fix these for you.
First Aid Kits – You will have been supplied with complete first aid kits, but these may need replenishing (particularly band aids). Players are not permitted to cover earrings with bandaids – all jewellery must be removed.
Hand Sanitiser Pack – all kits will have the following items: (Sarah to complete)
Nail Clippers – These are to be found in the first aid kit. Please have on hand for players before each match.
Hair Bands/Clips – Some are supplied in the first aid kit for emergency use. Please ensure girls have their hair back off their faces so they can see the ball.
ID Cards – Each kit (excluding NSG) contains a laminated A4 sheet containing copies of all the players ID. This must remain in the bag at all times. Your team will not be able to play without the photos having been sighted before the game.
If anything in the gear bag needs replacing during the season, please contact SNC Gear Steward, Felicity Dick-Smith – SNC.gearsteward@gmail.com