Borrowing Players
Teams may borrow players from teams either in the same age group (but a lower grade) or a younger age group that is the same grade, lower grade, or one grade higher (eg 11C team borrows a player from 10B or lower). It is expected that a team would release any spare players if it is possible. The process for borrowing players is:
- Contact the team manager from appropriate teams.
- Ask for a player if they have one available – there is no guarantee they can release a player so have a couple of teams in mind.
- The team manager contacts the team coach to discuss the matter – ultimately it is the coach’s decision as to which player can be borrowed.
- The team manager contacts the requesting team as soon as practical to advise the outcome.
Remember that if you have a player in your team that plays in a higher grade for 3 or more games, they are automatically moved up to that grade.
Insert MWNA Playing Up Guidelines – currently 2020
Parent Obligations
Payment of your registration fee is acceptance of SNC parent obligation we expect every parent to:
- Assist with fulfilling MWNA compulsory club duty roster in the control room or tower at least once during the season.
- Be flexible when the Coach is setting a training time/day and give it priority as it is a team sport.
- Support the Coach; do not undermine them. They are volunteering their time for your daughter.
- Notify the Manager of player sickness or times that a player may be absent from training or games.
- Ensure players are on time and prepared for training and games.
- Ensure younger players have everything they need.
- Attend training to help if the Coach requests it.
- Use positive encouragement.
- Teach and model good sportsmanship and behaviour.
- Be courteous in communication with the volunteer administrators, coaches and managers; as well as players and umpires. Teach children to do likewise.
- Accompany their daughters on games they are umpiring.
- Respond to emails from your Coach, Manager and SNC.
Being courtside for Junior Umpires
Duty and Canteen Rosters aka Parent Sign-Up Duties ??
Players Code of Conduct
All players must meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct during any activity held by SNC
- Participate because you enjoy it, not just to please other people.
- Play by the rules. Know the rules.
- Participate fairly and safely.
- Above by decisions, without argument or bad temper
- Cooperate with your Coach, manager and other players.
- Treat all players as you would like to be treated.
- Treat all equipment respectfully.
- Be a patient and enthusiastic supporter of fellow players.
- Be a responsible team member, always be on time, encourage and assist all players, attend training sessions, ensure you always wear the appropriate uniform.
- Do not engage in practices that affect sporting performance (alcohol, tobacco and drug use).
Respect and acknowledge the contribution of those who create the opportunity for you to play. Volunteers (coaches, managers, umpires, association administrators and club officials).
Photography Waiver
….If we have a hard copy, we need to store it. Can parents, and adult members give permission as part of the Registration process therefore is required to be included via online (mynetball)
MWNA provides Representative Pathway opportunities to players from its affiliated clubs from ages U11 and up. It is expected that all clubs will nominate players from the highest graded team only in that age group
Team Training
It is highly recommended that graded teams train at John Fisher park Curl Curl. Team Managers to contact our Club Secretary Sarah Skinner via email on stating the preferred day and time you would like to train.
Local schools with netball courts are also available – listed below. Team managers will have to contact the school directly to check availability and make the booking. The school will require a copy of our Certificate of Currency (which can be found on our website under ??), along with a copy of our Insurance and the Working with Children check/number of the coach. The School agreement paperwork must be completed by the Team Manager, and then signed by our Club Secretary.
Balgowlah Heights Public School
Lewis Street
Balgowlah Heights
02 9948 2225
Balgowlah North Public School
Manning Street
North Balgowlah
02 9949 4499
Seaforth Public School
Kempbridge Avenue
02 9948 1694
St Cecilia’s Public School
Seaview Street
02 9948 3069
Forms required:
Certificate of Currency NB: currently dated Jan 2018-Jan 2019
SNC Insurance – ref MWNA
Working With Children Check (email to SNC Secretary)