Spring Competition

Spring 2023 Comp is on again and registration is now open! 

Spring Comp is a relaxed social competition which has a wide range of divisions from U8 and U9’s through to seniors as well as a men’s and mixed competition. Whether you’re new to Netball or a seasoned player Spring Comp is great for all skill levels. If you are keen to get active and social, grab your mates to form a team and click on the link below to register

DIVISIONS – Tuesday Night 

8 and 8/9 year NSG – (born 2014 & 2015)
9 year NSG – (born 2014)
Juniors – U10 to U15 (born 2008-2013)
Cadets – U16 to U18 (born 2005-2007)
Senior Women – Adults born 2006 and before


4:30pm – NSG

5:25pm – U9 and Juniors

6:25pm – Juniors

7:30pm – Cadets and Seniors

*Please note that Juniors could play either 5:25pm or 6:25pm, from past Spring Comps, it is most likely the U10 & U11 will play at the 5:25 time-slot, U12 could be either and the rest at 6:25pm. MWNA can’t confirm until they have received all registrations, so please be available for both.

DIVISIONS – Wednesday Night (All games played at 7.15pm)

Mixed Cadets
Mixed Seniors


Game 1: Tuesday 10 October/ Wednesday 11 October

Game 2: Tuesday 17 October/ Wednesday 18 October

Game 3: Tuesday 24 October/ Wednesday 25 October

Game 4: Tuesday 31 October/ Wednesday 1 November

Game 5: Tuesday 7 November/ Wednesday 8 November

Game 6: Tuesday 14 November/ Wednesday 15 November

Game 7: Tuesday 21 November (Finals Round 1 v 2 and 3 v 4)/ Wednesday 22 November

Game 8: Tuesday 28 November/Wednesday 29 November- Wet weather make-up week

Registered winter players: $86 (includes MWNA and Seaforth fees)

New players: $180 (includes MWNA and Seaforth fees) plus an additional Netball NSW membership fee which will range from $52-$95 depending on your age and length of membership you purchase. If you are a new player, please contact the Seaforth Registrar to arrange registration.

Please note we are unable to process refunds.


  • In order to register you need to have formed a team with a minimum of 7 players.
  • Individual player registrations will not be accepted.
  • Nominate one point of contact per team.
  • Teams are to provide/pay their own umpires, including the finals round.
  • Players can register in two teams which play at different time slots. Only players turning 13 and over in 2023 can play in Senior divisions as per the competition policy.
  • Team member don’t need to have played in the current Winter comp. Spring comp is a great opportunity for those who would like to try Netball.
  • Club uniforms are to be worn but teams are permitted to make a whole team variation

Click here to register for Tuesday night Comp

Click here to register for Wednesday night mixed comp